Friday, August 7, 2009

Speak to me in English or Filipino

We all know English as our universal language, so it`s required for us to study and learn proper English for communication. The same as Filipino or Tagalog, for us Filipino it`s our language and it`s use so that we can communicate better.
A place where we are supposed to learn proper English and Filipino is in our school. Here, we are trained to speak well with this two language with kindness.
In our school, it`s a policy to speak English or Filipino language inside the campus. A speak campaign was also held last July 8, 2009. This speak campaign is obviously a campaign that we (students in I.S.N.H.S) should use English or Filipino inside the campus. This campaign was headed by the two clubs, English and Filipino Club. This was done with a success.
I hope by the end of the school year, the students of Ilocos Sur National High School will be fluent in speaking English and Filipino and they`ll be comfortable in speaking wherever they will go, other countries or other places here in the Philippines.
You can also be fluent in speaking this two languages as long as you practice. Practice makes perfect, doesn`t it?


  1. dont believe in practice makes perfect because no bodies perfect hehe joke lang

  2. hello..

    its not only inside the school where we can learn on how to speak proper english nd filipino instead it is also learn outside the campus and based on my observation, it is better.
    practice makes perfect if what we are practicing is the right one.

    however, nice post! keep it up.^_^

  3. but most of us still don't follow this rules right??.nice blog..


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