Monday, October 12, 2009


“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires” a quote by William Ward. Do your teachers inspire you? If you’re response is “yes” then definitely your teacher is G.R.E.A.T!

My present teachers inspire me, A LOT!! They’re actually acting as my second parents. My teachers have an enormous role in my life and undeniably not only me, also to my classmates. As I said they’re my second parents but I must change the word SECOND to SURROGATE. If I mean “surrogate” it’s not the mother whom I’m referring to it’s just a comparison. According to the dictionary, a surrogate mother is actually a woman who bears a child for another person, often for pay, either through artificial insemination or by carrying until birth another woman's surgically implanted fertilized egg and another definition is, one that acts as, serves as, or is a mother substitute. Let me apply my teachers in terms of the first definition of a surrogate mother, my teachers inspire and teach me but they are paid by my parents and my education is not for them it’s for the benefit of my parents, right? From the second definition, my teachers is actually a substitute for my parents, it’s a common sense.

My teachers are indeed my HEROES! Why? Because, in such a way that they touched my life just by reaching out their ideas to me or I should mean to us, they’ve always been teaching us GMRC (GOOD MORAL RIGHT CONDUCT), my teachers are always there teaching us though they have a hectic schedule also for their extra works.

I’ve always appreciated my TEACHERS for their EFFORTS =) so, we need to thank our teachers, they are our hero…..WE ARE NOT HERE TODAY WITHOUT THEM THAT’S ALWAYS GUIDING US! Make them happy by just simply listening and participating well in your classes, it’s a big deal for them! BELIEVE ME!

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